
Is there a cryptocurrency exchange in Japan?

The largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchange got regulatory approval earlier this year in Japan, where 31 companies are registered to trade the assets, and faces local competition from companies such as Coincheck Inc. that’s owned by Monex Group Inc. and GMO Coin Inc.

What is Japan's Self-Regulatory Organization for cryptocurrency exchanges?

Japan’s self-regulatory organization for cryptocurrency exchanges. Finally, the PSA’s original cryptocurrency provisions allow Japanese cryptocurrency exchanges to create additional regulations for themselves through a self-regulatory association certified by the Japanese government.

What are the best digital currency exchanges in Japan?

Founded in 2016, GMO Coin is another well known digital currency exchange in Japan. It offers improved risk management and makes frequent developments in the digital currency space. Available as both an android and ios app, it trades in four main digital currencies namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin and Ripple.

How will the adoption of cryptocurrencies progress in Japan?

It remains to be seen how the adoption of cryptocurrencies will progress in Japan. There is still a looming aging population, and many people continue to rely on cash transactions for even relatively large payments. However, there is a widespread use of cashless payments for transport and small purchases.


